Volunteer Screening Process

The Thornhill Soccer Club supports the initiative of Ontario Soccer and adopts its policy and procedures for Volunteer Screening.
Educating participants, coaches, managers, leaders, and volunteers about abuse and harassment is very important. The Thornhill Soccer Club recognizes that the organization has a responsibility to appropriately screen any person who will have access to vulnerable people. This responsibility is both moral and legal; it is not only the “right” thing to do but it is legislated under the “Duty of Care” concept.

“Duty of Care” is a legal principle that identifies the obligations of individuals and organizations to take reasonable measures to care for and protect their clients. It is important to understand that Canadian courts will uphold organizations’ responsibilities to screen carefully. This is part of their “Duty to Care.”


Ontario Soccer’s Screening Handbook has Position Descriptions and Application Forms identical to those provided in this booklet. The Handbook also provides valuable advice on Interview procedures, Reference Checks, Police Checks and Training. The Club Harassment or Welfare Officer should download a copy of this document from www.ontariosoccer.net