Fall-Winter Youth Programs Update

Trials and Assessments begin this week for the Grassroots (U8-U12) and Competitive (U13-U18) programs.
The times and dates can be found at https://thornhillsoccer.com/2019-2020-indoor-tryout-schedule/

If your child is selected to participate in this program, which is a more intensive program that the House League development program you will be expected to participate 2-3 times a week in the winter and 3-4 times a week in the summer.
If you are not currently on one these teams please remember to bring the trial waiver that can be found on the website.

Girls Only Program the Club will provided a Girls only training on Friday nights at The St. Roberts CHS Dome. WE are looking at setting up Girls teams to play in the York Region Development League for the summer of 2020.
The Girls born in the following years: 2012, 2011, 2010 2009 and 2008 will be practicing on Friday nights from 6pm-7pm.
The older Girls born in 2007, 2006 and 2005 will be practicing with Coach Kevin from 7pm-8pm on Friday’s.
To register for this program you can go to https://tsc.powerupsports.com/

The House League Development Program runs on Sunday’s from 11am-3pm. The registration portal is open.
The schedule and more info can be found at https://thornhillsoccer.com/2019/08/youth-indoor-soccer-registration-now-open/
EarlyBird House League Registration Rate Extended till Sept. 30th.

To register for this program you can go to https://tsc.powerupsports.com/