
Thornhill Soccer Club: 2017 Annual General Meeting

St. Roberts CHS (8101 Leslie St.) November 29, 2017 7:30pm – 9:00pm

This meeting is open to all members of the Thornhill Soccer Club

Who are the Voting Members

Membership shall include annually registered players, team officials, elected Board of Directors and positions appointed by the Executive, parents or guardians and sponsors.

The Election Nominations to the Board of Directors shall be provided to the Secretary in writing ten (10) days prior to the Annual General Meeting.  For this year, we set the deadline for nomination to November 19, 2017.

Positions up for election this year

1) Vice-President

2) Director, Recreational programs

3) Director of Sponsorship

4) Director of Competitive (Only if Proposal #2 is defeated)

5) Director-at-Large (Only if Proposal #2 is defeated)

Constitution Changes

1) To eliminate the limiting of board members to specific terms, such as  serving a maximum number of terms, the following amendments are suggested:

5.11: add the following: A director may continue to seek the same position without limitation on the number of times elected.

5.14: eliminate the following: The President may be appointed or elected to a maximum of 2 (two) consecutive three year terms of office, or a total of 6 years.

5, 15: eliminate the item.


2) To reduce the size of the board to a more manageable number, the following positions are hereby eliminated:

Director at Large (2)

Director, Competitive Program

In Loving Memory of Corrine Hamilton

The Thornhill Soccer Club is saddened to announce the sudden passing of long time member Corrine Hamilton on Tuesday September 26th, 2017.  Corrine was involved with youth soccer in York Region since the mid-eighties and served on various soccer boards across the region. She leaves behind her husband Russell, currently the adult administrator at the Thornhill Soccer Club, and her two sons Stephen and Patrick.

Visitation will be at the Jerrett Funeral Home, 6191 Yonge Street, Toronto, south of Steeles Ave, 416-223-6050, on Monday October 2nd from 2-4p.m. and 7-9p.m .Complete Funeral Service will be held in the Chapel on Tuesday October 3rd at 11a.m. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.

2017-2018 Indoor Program

The Thornhill Soccer Club has opened registration for its winter programs:

Youth Indoor Development Program 2017-18

Youth Indoor Development Program

The TSC Indoor Development Program is designed for both competitive and recreational players with a keen desire to hone and improve their skills. The program will focus on all aspects of ball efficiency with multiple surfaces and how to apply those in varying situations building greater awareness and decision making. Working with the staff of The Soccer School and under the guidance and direction of Technical Director Kosmas Mouratidis, participants will be challenged technically, tactically and functionally with age appropriate drills and training, culminating in small-sided matches.


TSC Indoor 2017/18 Assessments and Trials

TSC Indoor 2017/18 Assessments and Trials

The Thornhill Soccer Club will be holding its 2017/2018 assessments and trials for our development and competitive programs during the month of September.

The sessions will take place at St. Roberts Catholic High School (8101 Leslie St. Thornhill) Registration will only take place at the field 15 minutes prior to the sessions. There will be no cost for the assessment and trials.  It is highly recommended you participate in all the sessions.

2017/18 Thornhill Adult Indoor Soccer League (TAISL)

2017/18 Thornhill Adult Indoor Soccer League (TAISL)

 To register please go to:

The Thornhill Soccer Club is a premier location for indoor soccer operating a highly competitive indoor adult league. We have divisions playing various nights of the week.

House League Sessions at the Bayview Reservoir Cancelled August 2nd.

Tonight’s scheduled session had been postponed due to unplayable field conditions. The Thornhill staff walked the fields at the Bayview Reservoir and noticed considerable ponding making the field unsafe for the players.

The missed sessions will be rescheduled later in the season.





Coaches, please notify your respective teams.

Field Closed Sign

TSC Staff

2017 Outdoor Soccer is Only 2 Weeks Away

2017 Outdoor Soccer Season Is Only Weeks Away
Register online at

U4: Monday or Wednesday
U5: Monday or Wednesday
U6 Coed: Monday and Wednesday
U7 & U8 Coed: Monday and Wednesday
Girls Program U9, U10, U11 & U12 Monday and Wednesday

U9 & U10 Boys: Tuesday and Thursday
U11 & U12 Boys: Tuesday and Thursday

U13 Boys and Girls: contact the office for Inter Town info 905 881-8599 or

Start Dates: Tuesday programs May 23rd.
Monday and Wednesday programs May 24th
Monday only: May 29th
Start times: 6:30pm
REMINDER To Those of You Who Have Registered, Picture Day is Saturday June 10th