
House League Volunteers Required. Why should I?

The Thornhill Soccer Club has a long and storied history…one that we want to remember and build on. Our success and history is built on relationships and we must continue to embrace our most important one with our volunteers. We are grateful for their continued support and will continue to lean on them as we grow. We cannot take it for granted that someone else will coach or manage our child’s team. We do not want to be faced with decisions rising from limited human resources.

Our kids are growing up in a very competitive world. Universities and employers are looking for people that have more than just good grades. They are looking for well rounded citizens who are capable in many theatres. They are the future and we must offer them every opportunity to succeed as time does not stand still. These years go by quickly. The kids grow up and move on. People are so wrapped up in working and getting ahead that they lose sight of simple things. Think back on your life . We all have one person that touched us or changed the course of our life in a positive way. Perhaps it was your parent or a teacher or a coach or a friend. You can be that person.

Our children look up to us as mentors and friends . We need to continue to set this selfless example of volunteering. There is no greater joy. If we all lend a hand, then each one of us carries a lighter load and we pass this legacy on to our children to do the same.

For those of you interested in volunteering please contact Steve at or at 905 881-8599


Hello to all Thornhill Soccer Club players and families!

The Thornhill Club has all of its programs ready to go for the summer of 2017.

1) The Thornhill House League is offering EARLY BIRD RATES till MARCH 15, 2017.

We are expanding our House League program this year. Please visit our House League page on the website for all the information.

House League

2) The Thornhill Soccer Club Competitive Teams Tryout schedule has been posted on the website.

Any player that is interested in playing competitive soccer(U8-U21) please come out to the tryouts.

Check the website for tryout days and times.

3)  The Thornhill Outdoor Adult Program .

This year we are offering a LADIES, OVER 50 Mens and a COED league as well as our standard mens divisions.

For more info visit the website.

4) March Break Camp

The Thornhill Soccer Club will be working with the City of Markham to provide a soccer camp this during the break.

The sessions will be led by Kosmas Mouratidis and the club’s technical staff.

For registration go to the town of Markham website:

The sessions will take place at St. Roberts CHS Dome.
Barcodes for registration:

292280 (6-10 yrs)
292281 (11-15 yrs)

For those of you interested in volunteering to coach or manage in the house league please contact the office.

The more volunteers we have the smoother the programs run. The clubs technical director will provide coaching education sessions for all the volunteers.

Fall/Winter Update and REGISTRATION

The Thornhill Soccer Club is pleased to announce our fall winter program for 2016/2017.
The club will be offering a competitive program as well as recreational development program for youth. We will also be operating an Adult Recreational League.

Youth Competitive Program
The Thornhill Soccer Club will be holding trials and assessments during the month of September for our Rep (competitive) program. Players accepted into this program will be training 2-3 times a week during the winter season.

The sessions will take place at St. Roberts Catholic S.S. (8101 Leslie St. Thornhill). Registrations for trials will take place at the field prior to the sessions. There will be no charge for trials and it is recommended that you participate in all the sessions.

Times are attached or you can go to the website.

Youth Indoor Development Program
The TSC Indoor Development Program is designed for both competitive and recreational players with a keen desire to hone and improve their skills. The program will focus on all aspects of ball efficiency with multiple surfaces and how to apply those in varying situations building greater awareness and decision making. Working with the staff of The Soccer School and under the guidance and direction of Technical Director Kosmas Mouratidis, participants will be challenged technically, tactically and functionally with age appropriate drills and training, culminating in small-sided matches.
The Program runs every Sunday and is available for children 4 years+.

Start date: Sunday, October 30, 2016
End date: April 9, 2017 – 19 sessions.
Holiday schedule will be communicated in advance.
Location: St Roberts High School Dome.
Players will receive a ball, and T-shirt. Player to provide shin guards, special turf shoes are recommended

Players born in Time
2012, 2011 and 2010 11am to 12 pm
2009, 2008 12 pm to 1 pm
2007, 2006 1 pm to 2 pm
2005 and older 2 pm to 3 pm
To Register please go to

Adult Indoor League
The Thornhill Soccer Club operates a large indoor adult house league. We have divisions playing every night of the week.

If you have a group of players and would like to play contact the office at 905 881-8599 for more info.
Monday open age male
Tuesday over 40 male
Wednesday over 30 male
Thursday open age male
Friday open age ladies