
Adult Outdoor Soccer League for 2016

thunderThe Thornhill Soccer Club’s Adult Outdoor Soccer League for 2016 will consist of the following:

  • 3 divisions of Open Age Men’s teams with a maximum of 8 teams in each division
  • 1 division of either a Over-50 and/or 1 division of co-ed (minimum of 6 teams required for either)
  • 1 to 2 divisions of Over-35 teams (6 team maximum in each division or 8 team maximum if 1 division)
  • 1 to 2 divisions of Over-40 teams (6 team maximum in each division or 8 team maximum if 1 division)
  • 1 division of Open Age Ladies with a minimum of 6 teams

If there is sufficient interest, we will offer a Men’s Under-21 league with a minimum of 6 teams.

See the Adult League Options in the Top Row Menu!

TSC 2016 Outdoor Try-outs

TSC Tryouts

Click here for try-out dates and times  TRYOUT SCHEDULE

Thornhill Soccer Club uses the player tryout selection process to find the right set of players to form teams that can compete at the highest possible levels. This does not always mean selection of the best individual players. Skill on the field is definitely an important factor, but other less quantitative factors are considered such as attitude, vision, decision-making and work-ethic.

Teams require different players to perform different roles. There are strikers, midfielders, defenders, and goalkeepers. Within each group you may want one strong/physical player, one very fast player, one player with extreme foot skills, and another player who has strong vision and can read the game as it unfolds. You may want different players to take on the roles of acquisition, distribution, and transportation of the ball.

The purpose of the tryout, and the job of the tryout evaluators, is to incorporate all of these factors and find the right combination of skills, attitudes, and roles to build a competitive team.

What To Wear

  • Players must be properly dressed for the tryout. They must wear appropriate footwear and shin guards must be worn under, and completely covered by, the sock.
  • Players must not wear jewellery of any kind. This includes necklaces, rings, earrings, or bracelets of any kind (including rubber bracelets).
  • Players are required to bring a properly inflated ball of the appropriate size for the age group for which they are trying out.  Players must also bring an adequate supply of water.

Time And Duration

  • Each tryout consists of two sessions. Players are not required to attend both days, but being there both days significantly improves a player’s chances of being selected to a team. In some instances, players may be called back for a third day of tryouts. If you cannot make both days then you must notify the tryout coordinators who will in turn notify the tryout evaluators.
  • Each tryout session lasts for 1-2 hours. Players need to be properly hydrated before each tryout session and will be given multiple water breaks during the tryout sessions.


  • Upon arrival, players must check-in with the tryout coordinators. On the first day players will receive a pinney bearing their tryout number. On subsequent days, after checking in, players must find that same pinney bearing that same tryout number.
  • Players must then move onto the tryout field to warm-up. Warm-ups are typically informal. Players warm-up with their own ball and work with other players who are there for the tryout. Parents are not permitted on the tryout field.

Tryout Format

The tryout itself is very much like a typical practice. Players will be divided into groups and run through some individual drills, transition to small sided games, and eventually on to larger, full sided games. Players will be given water breaks and stay in the tryout area during breaks. Parents are to remain OUTSIDE of the tryout area.

There will be multiple tryout evaluators managing the tryout. Some of the evaluators are coaches of the teams in the specific age group and gender that is being evaluated. Other evaluators include other Thornhill Soccer Club coaches and Assistant Coaches who are assisting in the selection process.

The tryout evaluators are looking for the right combination of players to form the most competitive teams possible. They will be watching the players and taking notes on individuals and associating those comments with the jersey number worn by that player.

Evaluators will exchange information and point out certain players to other evaluators who may want to take a closer look. All the feedback is then gathered and given to the coaches of the teams being formed. It is those coaches who are responsible for making the final decisions on which players are selected.

Click here for try-out dates and times  TRYOUT SCHEDULE

Annual General Meeting

The Thornhill Soccer Club is hosting its annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday, November 25th at St. Roberts C.H.S. starting at 7pm. Please download a list of candidates running for election and how the proxy voting works by following the below link:

Thornhill Soccer AGM 2015.

Alternatively please download the pdf from:

The proxy votes must be registered with the office 5 days before the election.


Outdoor house league update

Tuesday, May  19th marks the first day of our outdoor season. All training sessions will be taking place at Bayview Reservoir Park. We are beginning with the Tuesday/Thursday groups on Tuesday May 19th since Monday is a holiday. The Monday/Wednesday groups will begin on Wednesday May 20, 2015.  Please visit  for designated days by age group.gender.

From May 19th -28th team balancing and friend requests will be taking place for all age groups with the exception of the U4/U5 groups (2010/2011.) Balls will also be distributed the first week. Please arrive early for ball distribution. In addition, an information booth will be set-up for all of your questions.

All training sessions will be held on Monday/Tuesday nights and all games will be taking place on Wednesday and Thursday nights. Uniforms will be distributed on June 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Picture day will be held on Saturday June 6th, 2015. Further details will follow. All players must wear soccer cleats and shin guards for all training sessions and games.

We look forward to making this an enjoyable summer for everyone but we also need plenty of volunteers to accomplish this. Any help will be appreciated. This is also a great opportunity for our high school students.  All volunteer hours will be counted towards the 40 hours of required community service needed to graduate. Please contact us at 905-881-8599 or if you are interested.
