We recognize that there is ample research demonstrating the health hazards caused by the use of tobacco products, including smoking, smokeless tobacco and breathing second-hand smoke, and understand our responsibility to the participants of our program to model and promote tobacco-free lifestyles.
We stress to leaders, teachers, coaches, officials, parents, spectators and all others involved, the importance of maintaining a tobacco-free environment while working with young people.
All games, activities, tournaments, competitions, sponsored events, and other performances sanctioned by our organization will be tobacco-free. Tobacco free means no smoking, snuffing, dipping or chewing tobacco by players/participants, coaches/leaders, parents, spectators and officials.
We will promote the tobacco-free policy at all our activities by:
· Having coaches/leaders explain the policy to players/members and ask them to explain the policy to their parents and others who may come to their game/activity/performance. · Including the policy in the first schedules/notices about the sport or recreation group so all new and returning participants, their parents/guardians, coaches/leaders and officials/managers know about the policy from the start. · Making the policy visible through the year/season using various messages, including logos on uniforms, banners at events and encouraging coaches and older players/members to promote active, healthy, and tobacco-free lifestyles.
We will reinforce the tobacco-free policy at all our activities by:
· Encouraging all coaches/leaders, players/members and parents to respectfully remind someone using tobacco about the tobacco-free policy – being able to point to a tobacco-free logo on a uniform or banner makes this easier. · Consistently applying consequences with people who repeatedly break the policy – repeated violations by players/members or their parent/guardian may result in a verbal and written warning from the coach/leader, or the association executive in the case of a repeat coach/leader violation. Following a written warning the individual violating the policy again may be asked to leave the activity or game.